Node Graph Structure

Senior Compositor
Derek Rein
In mathematics, particularly graph theory, and computer science, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) is a directed graph with no directed cycles. That is, it consists of vertices and edges (also called arcs), with each edge directed from one vertex to another, such that following those directions will never form a closed loop. A directed graph is a DAG if and only if it can be topologically ordered, by arranging the vertices as a linear ordering that is consistent with all edge directions. DAGs have numerous scientific and computational applications, ranging from biology (evolution, family trees, epidemiology) to information science (citation networks) to computation (scheduling). -
The B-Spine
Every comp should have a distinct b-spine, which is a vertical column of Merge
nodes connected together by their B side input.
- By default the merge node takes meta data from the B-Side
Follow Lens Logic
It is important to follow lens logic in order to achieve realistic and believable results. Lens logic refers to the way that real-world cameras and lenses behave, and this behavior is often simulated in compositing software like Nuke. By following lens logic, compositors can ensure that the elements they are working with look as if they were captured by a real camera, rather than appearing artificial or unrealistic. This is particularly important when compositing elements that are meant to be viewed from a distance, as the behavior of real-world lenses becomes more apparent in these cases. Overall, following lens logic helps to create a more believable and cohesive final image.
- Save unncesseary holdouts. Foreground elements automatically "holdout" those in the background.
- Using a Merge Under may indicate a reversed lens logic.
- Stenciling a layer by another can indicate reverse lens logic.
Keep It Simple
It is important to keep the node graph simple in order to maintain the efficiency and reliability of the system. A complex node graph can be difficult to troubleshoot and fix when issues arise, as there may be many interconnected nodes and dependencies that need to be taken into consideration. Additionally, a complex node graph may be more prone to errors and bugs, which can disrupt the overall workflow and potentially cause serious problems. By keeping the node graph simple and organized, it is easier to understand and manage the system, and issues can be identified and addressed more quickly and effectively. Overall, a simple node graph is essential for the smooth functioning of the system and the safety of those who rely on it.
Use Channels
“every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.”
Don't repeat yourself.
This is the DRY principle in a nutshell.
Derivates of a layer should be grouped together.
Flow Left to Right
As a matter of convention, flow your inputs from left to right.
- Mask input on the
node is on the right side.

It is important for a Nuke compositor to have a structured, organized, and labeled node graph when working as part of a team for several reasons. First, a well-organized node graph makes it easier for other team members to understand the workflow and the purpose of each node. This is similar to how clean, organized code is easier to read and understand for programmers. A clear, logical structure also makes it easier to troubleshoot issues and identify problem areas in the node graph.
In addition, a well-organized node graph can help to reduce the risk of errors and mistakes, as it is easier to follow a clear, logical workflow than a complex and cluttered one. This is similar to how good coding practices, such as following a consistent style and using clear, descriptive variable names, can help to reduce the risk of bugs in software.
Overall, a structured, organized, and labeled node graph is essential for effective team work in Nuke compositing, as it helps to ensure clear communication and a smooth workflow.
If you find yourself setting Merge
to "Under", your lens logic is not in the right order.