Tech Check

Senior Compositor
Derek Rein
Depending on the type of show you are working on, the range of technical finesses will vary greatly. Lower budget productions generally cannot justify the perceived return on investment for extensive technical refinement. Higher end blockbuster productions will aim for complete pixel level accuracy.
Correct Frame Range
Check that your output frame range matches the cut + handles. Most modern VFX pipelines will do this for you automatically.
Black Levels
Are the black levels matching? Use the grade
node to adjust using either the lift of offset adjustment.
Do the brightest areas of the image make sense? ie, is a highlight brighter than the sun? Expose the shot up and down to reveal mismatched levels.
Tracking Accuracy
Is there any bumping or slippage in your 2D or 3D tracks? It is best to make sure your tracking is solid from the beginning as fixing this later on can break your existing script.
When tracking an element into a shot, it can be helpful to stabilize the camera to see how successful a track is in isolation.
Does the filter size and shape on your defocus match the size and animation of what is in the plate?
Check that the hue and saturation is within reason. You can view color information separate from luminance by dividing an input by its desaturated equivalent.
Expression {
expr0 (1/(r*.3+g*.59+b*.11))*r
expr1 (1/(r*.3+g*.59+b*.11))*g
expr2 (1/(r*.3+g*.59+b*.11))*b
name ExpressionColor
Editorial Context
Does anything bump with the adjacent shots in context. Hiero, RV, Shotgun or FTrack can be used to view the shot context.
Compare your edges with the plate, make sure that they are 1:1 in terms of softness, color/despill, with no artifacts or boiling.
Plate Integrity
Is the input plate and metadata exactly the same as it was received save for the added visual effects?
Do your 3D renders have the same clarity and contrast as the plate or reference plates?
Cinematographers will often use a "pro-mist" filter inside the matte box or on the lens itself. Take your plate integrations to the next level by matching this sometimes very subtle effect.
Check that any despill has not changed the luminance of the image or has not inadvertently desaturated something that is supposed to be blue/green.
Corrupt Pixels
Check your output for pixels with inf
or NaN
values. These use usually the result of an error within your render engine or division by 0.
Expression {
expr0 "isnan(r) || isinf(r)"
expr1 "isnan(g) || isinf(g)"
expr2 "isnan(b) || isinf(b)"
Negative Values
There may be negative values in your input footage, that's okay. Otherwise use a clamp
node to keep everything greater than zero. You may also see values expressed in exponential notation.
Add your separated grain back onto the shot and dissolve with synthetic grain provided by a tool such as DasGrain
Use a grain checking tool to separate and view the highest frequencies in your image to see if your added grain matches that from the original plate.
Group {
name grainCheck
tile_color 0x421010ff
addUserKnob {20 User l "Grain Check"}
addUserKnob {41 gain -STARTLINE T Multiply1.gain}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos 447
ypos 61
Colorspace {
colorspace_out Cineon
name Colorspace3
xpos 447
ypos 145
set N61246380 [stack 0]
Blur {
channels rgba
size 0.67
name Blur1
xpos 574
ypos 284
push $N61246380
Merge2 {
inputs 2
operation from
bbox B
name Merge4
xpos 447
ypos 347
Multiply {
channels rgb
value {{gain*100000}}
name Multiply1
xpos 447
ypos 413
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {7 gain l "" +STARTLINE R 0 2}
gain 1
Output {
name Output1
xpos 447
ypos 507